How to order a repeat prescription
To help us manage our phone lines better and avoid errors, we suggest that you order your prescriptions online. This way, we have a clear record of your request, and it reduces the chances of mistakes.
You can order prescriptions:
1. online via SystmOnline (preferred)
2. on your phone via NHS App (preferred) How to order your repeat prescription via the NHS App
3. by calling us on 01273772020 option 2
4. in person – by visiting the surgery and fill in a form. Please note there is no trail when oredring by this method and so is not recommended.
If you do not have your SystmOne login details we can send these to you by email or by sms. Please fill out this form.
How to order a new medication or one that is not on your repeat list
The pharmacy and triage team values receiving as much information as possible when requesting a new medication or one that is not on your repeat to speed up the process of issuing your medication accurately and safely.
How do we review your medication
Asthma, HRT, Contraception and COPD need annual reviews which can be completed online. We have made reviews more accessible by using SystmOnline.
Diabetic medications need more frequent reviews and you will be asked to see our diabetic nurse even if you are under DCFY as our nurses perform different reviews.
Other medications may need a blood test or they may just need a pharmacist to check the medication is still working for you.
Please ensure you attend reviews when invited.
Why have we asked you have a blood test for your medication
Many medications require blood tests. to ensure they are safe for you to continue to take. For example some medications can have a affect your kidney or liver function, others can raise your vitals or blood indicators. A blood test shows us that it is safe for you to continue taking your medication. It is very important that you have your blood tested when we ask you to. If you are due a blood test you can book this using online services.
Why have we asked you to update your blood pressure
Medications to lower your blood pressure need a blood pressure check every 6 months to make sure they are working. We recommend you purchase a blood pressure machine to keep a check. Please fill out our online BP submission to work out your average.
How to nominate a pharmacy
- Log in using the NHS App or website.
- Go to the homepage or Your health.
- Select View and manage prescriptions, then Nominate a pharmacy
- If you already have a nominated pharmacy, you’ll see the pharmacy’s name. To change it, select Change your nominated pharmacy. If a pharmacy is not shown, select Continue.
- Follow the instructions to nominate a pharmacy
Alternatively, you can call us on 01273772020 and choose option two to leave a message with your name, date of birth and the pharmacy you would like to nominate.
How to raise a query about my medication
Fill out a Klinik Access form and our Pharmacy team will get back to you shortly. Alternatively, you can call 01273772020 and press option two to leave a message on the Pharmacy voicemail.