WellBN Latest News
Access to Work
Get support at work if you have a disability or health condition
Massage and Jaw Pain
Massage for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction could really benefit you. If you have pain or discomfort in your jaw, or your dentist has told you have TMD, this could help. So, what's TMD?It's pain in your jaw joint and the muscles responsible for jaw movement....
Weight Management Referral
If your BMI >= 30 (or >= 27.5 for BAME) then you are entitled to support from the NHS Weight Management Services MoreLife or Gloji.
Enhancing access to urgent dental care in Sussex
If you need urgent dental help and cannot find an NHS dentist, call the Dental Helpline
Energy bills this winter
Services available to you that can provide advice and support around energy bills
Build digital skills and confidence
Do you or someone else in Brighton & Hove require digital support?
December 2024 Appointment Statistics
459 patients did not attend their appointment last month
Covid Vaccinations (updated 7/1/25)
Brighton & Hove Federation and Community Pharmacies are offering covid vaccinations
Introducing Free Daily Mental Health Sessions
New online free daily drop in sessions 3pm-4pm for WellBN patients
Sussex celebrates improved patient access
Sussex celebrates boost in GP numbers, record appointments, and improved patient access
Weather Alert
An AMBER Cold- Health Alert has been issued due to the likely very cold temperatures over the next few days.
Heartfealt condolences
App Library
Trusted Apps to manage your health
NHS Sexual Assault Referal Centres
SARCs provide a safe space and dedicated care for anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted or abused.
Festive Fraud
Scams that you could be targeted by and how to protect yourself
Local Christmas Festivities, Meals and Activities (2024)
Food banks, shared meals, affordable food shops & timetable of festive events this Christmas
Free local hearing aid services
Royal National Institute for Deaf People are providing free sessions for patients RNID Near You – Brighton Visit our free, drop-in service - no appointment needed. Can help with: NHS hearing aid cleaning and tubing replacement Free, replacement hearing aid batteries...
Housebound patients
The decision for a home visit is made based on a comprehensive assessment by our healthcare professionals