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WellBN Latest News

Got that Gut Feeling?

Got that Gut Feeling?

Have you ever had digestive problems such as bloating, abdo pain and diarrhoea or frequent headaches, or chronic fatigue? These are some of the main symptoms people with undiagnosed coeliac disease experience.

Access to WellBN

new ways of working including the use of technology and the diversity of healthcare professionals working in primary care

Vaping in young children

Are you concerned about the rising trend of vaping among children and young people? Resources to understamd and to raise awareness

What is Social Prescribing?

What is Social Prescribing?

Many things affect your health and wellbeing. A lot of people visit them feeling isolated or lonely. Or they might be stressed out by work, money and housing
problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing different long-term conditions.