01273 772020

Annual Health Checks are offered to our TNBI patients to help you stay well by talking to a health professional about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out. You do not have to be ill to have a health check in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well. Your health professional will be able to spot any health problems sooner so that you get the treatment you need to stay well. At your appointment, you can also ask questions about your health and tell your health professional how you are feeling. The Annual Health Check reduces health inequalities and is a check-in for our WellBN TNBI patients.


All WellBN registered patients who are 18 years or over and transgender, non-binary, gender queer, agender, intersex or gender fluid are entitle to a FREE Annual Health Check.


You will be contacted by a member of the team once a year to book you in for this. If you have notbeen offered an annual health check and feel you are elegible please fill out a klinik form, or email us directly at sxicb-bh.wellbn.tnbihealthchecks@nhs.net. Your Annual Health Check appointment may be face to face or virtual, as appropriate and will include a holistic review of your physical, mental and sexual health and you will be given advice on how to access national cancer screening programmes, other WellBN services and arrangements will be made for follow up interventions as appropriate.